Automation Unplugged Podcast

Show #260 feat. Kendall Clark, Director of Sales of One Firefly

Episode Summary

Show #260 features Kendall Clark, Director of Sales of One Firefly. Kendall Clark is One Firefly’s pioneering and creative sales leader. As Director of Sales, Kendall is responsible for overseeing the account executives and all sales activities, providing leadership focus and priority guidance for the department. Kendall previously led the Digital Media department, and oversaw the production of hundreds of industry-focused websites for our clients. Kendall has also been instrumental in developing and launching several of One Firefly’s award-winning products, as well as managing One Firefly’s video shoots.

Episode Notes


Kendall Clark is One Firefly’s pioneering and creative sales leader. As Director of Sales, Kendall is responsible for overseeing the account executives and all sales activities, providing leadership focus and priority guidance for the department. Kendall previously led the Digital Media department, and oversaw the production of hundreds of industry-focused websites for our clients. Kendall has also been instrumental in developing and launching several of One Firefly’s award-winning products, as well as managing One Firefly’s video shoots.

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About One Firefly

One Firefly, LLC is an award-winning marketing agency that caters to technology professionals in the custom integration, security and solar energy markets. One Firefly is headquartered in Davie, Florida with staff located throughout North America and has been operating since 2007.